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Q. I am learning more about global warming and the impact a family of four has on this earth versus 250 people in an undeveloped nation. Things like this really make me want to get more involved and lessen my footprint on the earth, but how? Where do I start? I want to vote for the right laws to help this but I don't understand them all. I can't afford an electric car or to start using a solar panel for energy, so how can I help?
The four corner stones of the current environmental movement are Reduce, Recycle, Re-use, and Re-purpose with a theme of Sustainability. The good news is that most of us have plenty of eco-friendly opportunities available to us with equally commiserate financial rewards. In some cases, it does take an investment of time or money before the savings can be realised.
I often suggest that people start scouring the "frugal living" sites and boards for as whole host of money saving ideas. Money is but one resource we use. What we spend our money on involves a whole host of additional resources. Saving resources is what the Reduce, Re-use, and Re-purposing cornerstones are all about. For a personal inventory of opportunity, start by peering into your garbage, recycle, and waste cans and bins. Do you see paper napkins, paper towels, disposable wipes, or individual serving containers in your waste stream? What types of chemical based items do you see in terms of cleaning, garden, and other non-food items? Start with those things that are easy to remedy even if they are a small, over all portion of your waste stream.
Another area to take a personal inventory from is your budgeting system, check book, credit card receipts, cash receipts, bills, etc... These also tell you what you spend your money on, buy, and consume. You may want to address utility bills and/or the resources used that generate those bills. This could be things like using less electricity or water, using less vehicle fuel through combined trips, and so on. Or you could discover that maybe off-road racing could be replaced by pedle bike racing for both an economic and an environmental savings. Some people take up visiting their local library more often for both an economic and environmental savings.
Reviewing one's spending habits also brings up the idea of doing more active purchasing decision making which can also reduce certain types of consumption and hence resource use. Doing things like taking an closet inventory before hitting the mall can help one realise that what they really need is a coordinating piece to something they already own versus a whole new outfit. Developing honest needs criteria and purchasing decisions on tools, equipment, and supplies for either the home or garage; you can add additional environmentally conscious criteria such as durability as you choose too.
For many, minimalist living is not particularly functional for most of us trying to also be environmentally conscious. You may see the need for better window treatments, different landscaping, or some just plain caulk even if you are "only a renter". Cloth linens like napkins, towels, and scrub rags may be an investment opportunity for both financial and enviornmental returns. Individual glass serving containers, a stainless water bottle, and so on may work for you. To be able to honestly Re-use and Re-purpose, most of us need some tools of the trade, to learn some skills, and be able to think outside of the box within the Do-It-Yourself (DYI) frame of mind too.
Start small and with the easy stuff; what may be easy for you is not necessarily going to be easy for me. It's a whole life style change with a number of economic and health benefits that simply happen in the process. And, the opportunities simply keep on coming in easier and easier modes as the rest of the community comes on board.
The four corner stones of the current environmental movement are Reduce, Recycle, Re-use, and Re-purpose with a theme of Sustainability. The good news is that most of us have plenty of eco-friendly opportunities available to us with equally commiserate financial rewards. In some cases, it does take an investment of time or money before the savings can be realised.
I often suggest that people start scouring the "frugal living" sites and boards for as whole host of money saving ideas. Money is but one resource we use. What we spend our money on involves a whole host of additional resources. Saving resources is what the Reduce, Re-use, and Re-purposing cornerstones are all about. For a personal inventory of opportunity, start by peering into your garbage, recycle, and waste cans and bins. Do you see paper napkins, paper towels, disposable wipes, or individual serving containers in your waste stream? What types of chemical based items do you see in terms of cleaning, garden, and other non-food items? Start with those things that are easy to remedy even if they are a small, over all portion of your waste stream.
Another area to take a personal inventory from is your budgeting system, check book, credit card receipts, cash receipts, bills, etc... These also tell you what you spend your money on, buy, and consume. You may want to address utility bills and/or the resources used that generate those bills. This could be things like using less electricity or water, using less vehicle fuel through combined trips, and so on. Or you could discover that maybe off-road racing could be replaced by pedle bike racing for both an economic and an environmental savings. Some people take up visiting their local library more often for both an economic and environmental savings.
Reviewing one's spending habits also brings up the idea of doing more active purchasing decision making which can also reduce certain types of consumption and hence resource use. Doing things like taking an closet inventory before hitting the mall can help one realise that what they really need is a coordinating piece to something they already own versus a whole new outfit. Developing honest needs criteria and purchasing decisions on tools, equipment, and supplies for either the home or garage; you can add additional environmentally conscious criteria such as durability as you choose too.
For many, minimalist living is not particularly functional for most of us trying to also be environmentally conscious. You may see the need for better window treatments, different landscaping, or some just plain caulk even if you are "only a renter". Cloth linens like napkins, towels, and scrub rags may be an investment opportunity for both financial and enviornmental returns. Individual glass serving containers, a stainless water bottle, and so on may work for you. To be able to honestly Re-use and Re-purpose, most of us need some tools of the trade, to learn some skills, and be able to think outside of the box within the Do-It-Yourself (DYI) frame of mind too.
Start small and with the easy stuff; what may be easy for you is not necessarily going to be easy for me. It's a whole life style change with a number of economic and health benefits that simply happen in the process. And, the opportunities simply keep on coming in easier and easier modes as the rest of the community comes on board.
What does is mean to green: like recycleling and stuff?
My mom wants us to start being more environmentally aware and asked me to look some things up. Can anyone give me any pointers and such? Thanks! ^-^
show your mom my answer
In Your Home â Reduce Toxicity
Eliminate mercury from your home by purchasing items without mercury, and dispose of items containing mercury at an appropriate drop-off facility when necessary (e.g. old thermometers).
Learn about alternatives to household cleaning items that do not use hazardous chemicals.
Buy the right amount of paint for the job.
Review labels of household cleaners you use. Consider alternatives like baking soda, scouring pads, water or a little more elbow grease.
When no good alternatives exist to a toxic item, find the least amount required for an effective, sanitary result.
If you have an older home, have paint in your home tested for lead. If you have lead-based paint, cover it with wall paper or other material instead of sanding it or burning it off.
Use traps instead of rat and mouse poisons and insect killers.
Have your home tested for radon.
Use cedar chips or aromatic herbs instead of mothballs.
In Your Yard
Avoid using leaf blowers and other dust-producing equipment.
Use an electric lawn- mower instead of a gas-powered one.
Leave grass clippings on the yard-they decompose and return nutrients to the soil.
Use recycled wood chips as mulch to keep weeds down, retain moisture and prevent erosion.
Use only the required amount of fertilizer.
Minimize pesticide use.
Create a wildlife habitat in your yard.
Water grass early in the morning.
Rent or borrow items like ladders, chain saws, party decorations and others that are seldom used.
Take actions that use non hazardous components (e.g., to ward off pests, plant marigolds in a garden instead of using pesticide).
Put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away. Yard debris too large for your compost bin should be taken to a yard-debris recycler.
In Your Office
Copy and print on both sides of paper.
Reuse items like envelopes, folders and paper clips.
Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.
Set up a bulletin board for memos instead of sending a copy to each employee.
Use e-mail instead of paper correspondence.
Use recycled paper.
Use discarded paper for scrap paper.
Encourage your school and/or company to print documents with soy-based inks, which are less toxic.
Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of a disposable cup.
Ways To Protect Our Air
Ask your employer to consider flexible work schedules or telecommuting.
Recycle printer cartridges.
Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work.
Report smoking vehicles to your local air agency.
Don't use your wood stove or fireplace when air quality is poor.
Avoid slow-burning, smoldering fires. They produce the largest amount of pollution.
Burn seasoned wood - it burns cleaner than green wood.
Use solar power for home and water heating.
Use low-VOC or water-based paints, stains, finishes and paint strippers.
Purchase radial tires and keep them properly inflated for your vehicle.
Paint with brushes or rollers instead of using spray paints to minimize harmful emissions.
Ignite charcoal barbecues with an electric probe or other alternative to lighter fluid.
If you use a wood stove, use one sold after 1990. They are required to meet federal emissions standards and are more efficient and cleaner burning.
Walk or ride your bike instead of driving, whenever possible.
Join a carpool or vanpool to get to work.
Ways to Use Less Water
Check and fix any water leaks.
Install water-saving devices on your faucets and toilets.
Don't wash dishes with the water running continuously.
Wash and dry only full loads of laundry and dishes.
Follow your community's water use restrictions or guidelines.
Install a low-flow shower head.
Replace old toilets with new ones that use a lot less water.
Turn off washing machine's water supply to prevent leaks.
Ways to Protect Our Water
Revegetate or mulch disturbed soil as soon as possible.
Never dump anything down a storm drain.
Have your septic tank pumped and system inspected regularly.
Check your car for oil or other leaks, and recycle motor oil.
Take your car to a car wash instead of washing it in the driveway.
Learn about your watershed.
Create Less Trash
Buy items in bulk from loose bins when possible to reduce the packaging wasted.
Avoid products with several layers of packaging when only one is sufficient. About 33 of what we throw away is packaging.
Buy products that you can reuse.
Maintain and repair durable products instead of buying new ones.
Check reports for products that are easily repaired and have low breakdown rates.
Reuse items like bags and containers when possible.
Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones.
Use reusable plates and utensils instead of disposable ones.
Use reusable containers to store food instead of alum
show your mom my answer
In Your Home â Reduce Toxicity
Eliminate mercury from your home by purchasing items without mercury, and dispose of items containing mercury at an appropriate drop-off facility when necessary (e.g. old thermometers).
Learn about alternatives to household cleaning items that do not use hazardous chemicals.
Buy the right amount of paint for the job.
Review labels of household cleaners you use. Consider alternatives like baking soda, scouring pads, water or a little more elbow grease.
When no good alternatives exist to a toxic item, find the least amount required for an effective, sanitary result.
If you have an older home, have paint in your home tested for lead. If you have lead-based paint, cover it with wall paper or other material instead of sanding it or burning it off.
Use traps instead of rat and mouse poisons and insect killers.
Have your home tested for radon.
Use cedar chips or aromatic herbs instead of mothballs.
In Your Yard
Avoid using leaf blowers and other dust-producing equipment.
Use an electric lawn- mower instead of a gas-powered one.
Leave grass clippings on the yard-they decompose and return nutrients to the soil.
Use recycled wood chips as mulch to keep weeds down, retain moisture and prevent erosion.
Use only the required amount of fertilizer.
Minimize pesticide use.
Create a wildlife habitat in your yard.
Water grass early in the morning.
Rent or borrow items like ladders, chain saws, party decorations and others that are seldom used.
Take actions that use non hazardous components (e.g., to ward off pests, plant marigolds in a garden instead of using pesticide).
Put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away. Yard debris too large for your compost bin should be taken to a yard-debris recycler.
In Your Office
Copy and print on both sides of paper.
Reuse items like envelopes, folders and paper clips.
Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.
Set up a bulletin board for memos instead of sending a copy to each employee.
Use e-mail instead of paper correspondence.
Use recycled paper.
Use discarded paper for scrap paper.
Encourage your school and/or company to print documents with soy-based inks, which are less toxic.
Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of a disposable cup.
Ways To Protect Our Air
Ask your employer to consider flexible work schedules or telecommuting.
Recycle printer cartridges.
Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work.
Report smoking vehicles to your local air agency.
Don't use your wood stove or fireplace when air quality is poor.
Avoid slow-burning, smoldering fires. They produce the largest amount of pollution.
Burn seasoned wood - it burns cleaner than green wood.
Use solar power for home and water heating.
Use low-VOC or water-based paints, stains, finishes and paint strippers.
Purchase radial tires and keep them properly inflated for your vehicle.
Paint with brushes or rollers instead of using spray paints to minimize harmful emissions.
Ignite charcoal barbecues with an electric probe or other alternative to lighter fluid.
If you use a wood stove, use one sold after 1990. They are required to meet federal emissions standards and are more efficient and cleaner burning.
Walk or ride your bike instead of driving, whenever possible.
Join a carpool or vanpool to get to work.
Ways to Use Less Water
Check and fix any water leaks.
Install water-saving devices on your faucets and toilets.
Don't wash dishes with the water running continuously.
Wash and dry only full loads of laundry and dishes.
Follow your community's water use restrictions or guidelines.
Install a low-flow shower head.
Replace old toilets with new ones that use a lot less water.
Turn off washing machine's water supply to prevent leaks.
Ways to Protect Our Water
Revegetate or mulch disturbed soil as soon as possible.
Never dump anything down a storm drain.
Have your septic tank pumped and system inspected regularly.
Check your car for oil or other leaks, and recycle motor oil.
Take your car to a car wash instead of washing it in the driveway.
Learn about your watershed.
Create Less Trash
Buy items in bulk from loose bins when possible to reduce the packaging wasted.
Avoid products with several layers of packaging when only one is sufficient. About 33 of what we throw away is packaging.
Buy products that you can reuse.
Maintain and repair durable products instead of buying new ones.
Check reports for products that are easily repaired and have low breakdown rates.
Reuse items like bags and containers when possible.
Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones.
Use reusable plates and utensils instead of disposable ones.
Use reusable containers to store food instead of alum
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Title Post: How can I live a more environmentally conscious life?
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