Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm wanting to buy an electric hybrid bicycle. looking at the Victory folding electric bike. anyone own one?

best electric bicycle review on Are Electric Bikes the Future? | Bicycles Network Australia
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the whole product description is- Victory folding 6-speed 180W Power Assist 12"/16" electric bicycle. it is sould through amazon but absolutely no customer reviews can be found anywhere. not asking much for the price, just wonering if it is a complete lemon.

I did not see the ad, but I can tell you 180 watts is nothing. we have a 750 watt limit here in the USA for a reason.

Europe has a 250 watt limit and everyone is complaining there.

I80 watts is too small, it borders on being a toy.

found the ad:
However, for the price, if you are a smaller person (under 150lbs) and will pedal a lot with it, it just might be OK.

I like e-folders, and want one. I have every kind of ebike in the shop, if I was not in the trade, I would be tempted by this. Oh and wasn't 6'2" and 230lbs.

its competition:

I need a quality electric bike, anyone know anything about Pietzo?


I found this company and their bikes sound like what I am looking for. They have some good customer reviews but I thought I would ask if anyone else had experience with them before I made the purchase.

The only experience I have with electric bikes is watching the riders run out of their electrical charge way too fast. Then they are stuck pedaling an extremely heavy bicycle home.

I've met only one person (a lady) who owned one & was happy with it. But, she also stated she was never any more than 1/2 to maybe 1 mile from home on it.

What's wrong with a real bicycle? You'll get a work-out & be healthier.

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What are my best options for alternative energy?

best electric bike canada on ... , BC, Canada - The Best Scooter and Electric Bike Shop in Canada
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I'm looking to make it though a Canadian winter without paying my electric bill.
I only need to be able to power a laptop, my phone, and a lamp.
I'm looking for options under $200.
I've already thought about making a bike powered generator, and I'm also looking into the cost of a thermoelectric generator that runs off wood, but I'm still not sure what the best option might be...
Does anyone have any cheap but effective suggestions?

Well, under 200 dollars probably won't happen, sorry.

You can get a 600 watt wind turbine for under 500 dollars, but you'll also need some batteries, and the rest of the kit.

And in Canada, I'd worry about heat too.

I suppose if that's not an issue, you could rig up a mechanical generator from scratch, but that will take a fair bit of effort, and you'd probably want batteries to go with it.

What will happen to NASCAR when the air pollution activists get their way?


It is coming... the environmentalists are going after NASCAR, Formula One, Grand Prix, and drag racing because they use a lot of fossil fuels and pollute the environment... what will happen to the sport if they place restrictions on air flow and fuel use?
I know some of you have answered that it doesn't use enough fuel, but some will argue that it does use too much fuel compared to average cars, and the amount of air pollution put out is not restricted in any way at all right now...

First of all, race cars cause little to no pollution, even on petrolium gasoline with alot of lead in it. There is a simple scientific explanation for this. The emissions from vehicles, industrial facilities etc., are infact the chemical components that do not get completely burned off in the prossesses. Because racing engines are more powerful than the rest, (even though the milleage is much worse because of this) they actually have a much more complete burn of the fuel, & the more the horsepower, the more this is true. Infact, some levels of petrolium gasoline burning race engines in Drag Racing (like in Pro Stock & Pro Modified for example) actually achieve complete burn of the gas, thus leaving zero emissions from thier exhaust. The Canadian federal government banned racing gas back in the '90's, but that didn't last long because they were wrong, & now we are allowed to use the high-lead racing gas here again. However, many Drag Racers who race in classes that do not have much restriction on what type of fuel you can use, actually are now using ethanol or methanol (both are types of alcohol) for thier fuel because it is only half the cost of the racing gas, runs cooler (meaning the engine temperatures are lower), & makes more horsepower than the petrolium gasoline does. I have been told that the gas is more consistant for indexed & bracket racing, but many people are opting for the alcohol due to the gas prices. There are a few classes where the petrolium gasoline is still required. These are Stock, Super Stock, Pro Stock, & some (if not all) of the classes in the NSCA-style "Fast Street Car Drag Racing" scene. That's mainly because the cars on the public roads are still mostly using conventional (tho now mostly unleaded) gas & these classes have to maintain a certain amount of similarity to what the public are driving. NASCAR is the same way. As for the Indy Cars, they have never, ever been forced to use alcohol for fuel. They have been running on alcohol for several decades now, by thier own choice, for some of the same reasons that kind of fuel is popular in Drag Racing (except for cost, as alcohol fuel used to be twice the price of racing gas at one time). There are alcohol-only classes in Drag Racing that have been around for several decades too. Top Fuel Dragsters run on rocket propellant-based fuel, believe it or not. As for the enviromentalist going after NASCAR etc., some of thes enviromentalists don't really know that much about the enviroment, & they can't force anyone to do anything anyways. Racing's sanctioning bodies (NASCAR, IRL, F1, NHRA, IHRA, etc.) are the governing bodies in racing, & the politicians can have some effect ofcourse, but they need to please as many of thier people as they can. Ofcourse facts are fact, tho sometimes facts can be ignored. I worry a little, as you never know what can happen. I worry about the future of antique & classic cars too. Will people still be able to restore cars to original & still be able to enjoy them in the future? Only time will tell. These cars too could also run on ethanol or methanol. All they need to do is use different materials for gaskets & fuel lines than the original materials. This does not visually look too different from the original look. They could change the jetting in the carburetors to run better on the alcohol, which is internal & does not effect the original look. The fuel lines could have a coating on the outside to look original. Sorry to get a little off topic there. Also of note, I have a buddy up here in Canada that races in NEDRA (National Electric Drag Racing Association) down in the states. This is not a scale model racing group. These folks actually drive full-sized electric cars, electric bikes, & electric-powered dragsters, competing in electric-powered Drag Racing events! Some people would like to have an excuse to put a stop to motorsports, especially Drag Racing, any excuse, just because they happen to be predjudice, or don't understand. I consider these people to have a serious lack of morals & I consider it as serious as racism. That is how I honestly feel. There are some people who believe that Drag Racing is sort of like "the sleeping giant of the sports, entertainment, & hobby industries", & it would not surprse me if someday in the future Drag Racing becomes bigger than soccer throughout the world. Supercharged Steve Currie, IHRA T/D # 3108

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upgrading an electric scooter any advice?

top 10 best electric bikes on Makita Chain Saws | Top 10 Best Chain Saws Reviews And Consumer ...
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I drive a 500 watt TaoTao ATE 501 and it only has a top speed of 20 to 21 miles per hour and only drives 10 miles per charge(I think) Is there any upgrade parts I can get for this scooter so that it can drive 30 maybe 35 miles per hour and get better battery life? I'm tired of being on a street legal scooter/moped and not being able to keep up with average city traffic flow. I hate being tailgated because I'm driving slower. I think it runs on 48 volt batteries and uses three of them. Not sure about the control box because its kinda hard to get to.

First you have to realize that those 500 watt electric scooters are really just heavy cheap electric assisted bikes. The TaoTao ATE 501 weighs about 200 lbs and that's why it's so slow. If you want any reasonable performance, you use the fold out pedals at least for acceleration, it also recharges the batteries slightly.

I suspect you have a 36 volt system with three 12 v lead acid batteries wired in series. It would be a good idea to have each of those batteries checked out separately. Lead acid batteries can be tricky and it only takes one to be in poor shape for the whole bike to suffer.

The most obvious upgrade you could do is wire in another three lead acid batteries in parallel. Nothing else would need changing but you would have to find a location to put the batteries.

The next possible upgrade is to replace the batteries with expensive lithium ion or lithium polymer batteries which are convenient because they are available in similar voltage levels. Their charging procedures are similar but not identical so you may be able to get away with not changing any of the charging mechanisms. The biggest problem with this is the cost.

A larger motor probably won't do you much good and may require custom fabrication of the motor mounts but you may be able to find a more powerful motor in the same form factor. In general, most electric motors can be operated at higher voltages with the only consequence being overheating of the motor and wires, the wires can be increased to thicker wires and you could try to get more cooling to the motor but this would really only allow you to have short bursts with the possibility of burning something out. Of course doing so means changing the battery layout and adding more batteries.

The best solution would be to upgrade to a proper light weight electric assisted bike but they run about $2,000 or more, roughly double what the scooters cost. Maybe find a used bike and put in a 500 watt conversion kit... At least with the bikes, everyone expects you to be slow.

The 500 watt scooters are not what I would call street legal, just exempt from regulations. It takes a 150 cc scooter to be freeway legal and a 250 cc scooter to actually be safe at freeway speeds and any scooter with more than 50 cc's must be licensed and registered as a motor vehicle. Those I would call street legal once licensed. You might be better off with a 50 cc gasoline scooter, those are usually exempt from regulation too. The old smoky two cylinder ones had a lot of power, about double what the new four cylinder ones have but even the new 4 cylinder ones would be four times the power of the 500 watt electric scooter. If you want to be environmentally friendly, make ethanol from rotten fruits that you get from the grocers for free.

What are some effective but easy ways people can save energy?


Monitor your electricity use by buying a Kill-A-Watt or other such monitor.

'An average household uses about 4300kWh of electricity each year. This results in emissions of over 2 tonnes of CO2 per household, or ¾ tonne per person - just for domestic electricity supply. In comparison, total CO2 emissions per person in the UK are around 10 tonnes, and emissions per person in India are about 1 tonne. Luckily, it is possible to cut domestic electricity use in half with simple energy efficiency measures.
'This table shows how electricity use is divided up in an average house (excluding electric heating):

Lighting 19%
Cold Appliances 18%
Wet Appliancs 15%
Cooking 15%
Consumer Electronics 19%
ICT (computers, etc) 9%
Other 5%'
(source Centre for Alternative Technology)

EASY WAYS to save energy

â Don't use standby on tv or computer.
â Switch off when not in use.
â Use energy efficient lightbulbs.
â Lower you thermostat.
â Install timers.
â Heat only what is needed.
â Turn down the water heater.
â Insulate your property.
â Turn air conditioning and heating down
â Sign up to a green energy supplier.
â Dress appropriately. When itâs cold put on a jumper rather than turn up the heating, when itâs warm take it off again rather than use the air con.
â Wash full loads.
â Wash at lower temperatures.
â Dry washing outside.
â Avoid dishwashers.
â Reduce draughts.

Use rechargeable batteries..
â Donât leave (re)chargers on for longer than is needed
â Only boil the water you need.
â Buy local produce.
â Reduce reuse and recycle - in that order
â Work from home. If possible work from home, it saves time and fuel travelling.
â Eat less meat and dairy products. Modern farming methods produce large quantities of greenhouse gases.
â Shower instead of bath.
â Conserve Water The less water you use the less energy is needed to pump it to your home or office and to deal with the waste at a sewerage treatment works.

â Drive a fuel efficient vehicle, if you have more than one vehicle use the most economical one more often.
â Walk or cycle to work or when taking the kids to schools, if you have to drive consider car sharing.
â Use public transport where possible
â Take a coach or train instead of using domestic flights.
â When replacing your vehicle look at diesel and liquid petroleum gas models.
â Combine multiple journeys into one and do your weekly shopping in a single trip.
â Stagger journeys where possible to avoid rush hour traffic and hold ups.
â Avoid harsh braking, accelerate gently, drive at a steady speed.
â Keep tyres properly inflated.
â Remove bike and ski and roof racks when not in use.
â Carrying unnecessary weight wastes fuel, declutter your vehicle.
â Use the correct gear, use cruise control if your vehicle has it.
â Keep your vehicle regularly serviced.
â Turn the engine off when stopped or waiting.

Source Trevor a climatologist , who used to be Top Answerer in Global Warming.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

can you make a pullstart atv into electric start?

best electric quad bike on Quads Unlimited. Electric Bikes and Quad Bikes for sale in Warrington ...
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i have a 50cc quad bike and the pull start is not great, i was wondering if there was a conversion kit or if it was even possible to change it into an electric start?

Help full to know make and model, year of quad. For instance - does the maker of your pull start model also make a electric start model? do the engines interchange? then yes it is easy - perhaps expensive- swap of engines. Some atvs 50cc are considered mostly toys and use a basic scooter engine and CVT drive, some just have a centrifugal clutch and chain drive with a stub shaft available to put on a Delco starter/generator unit as used on early garden tractors. What do you have? Chinese made toy with strange made engine or if lucky Honda clone engine? Yamaha with PW50 drive train? You can make any pull start ATV into a electric start model- got $$, welder handy? As I noted- a maker of basic and electric start models might be real easy- and if electric start parts or engine are in a salvage yard might be cheap. Otherwise- get back to us with more info or save money for a name brand ATV with electric start like Honda or Polaris..

What kind of dirt bike would be good for a begninner?

Sarah E

I am 23 yrs. old, 5'7....108lbs....I am thinking about a KLX 140...mainly because of the electric start...I have only rode quads--Raptor 350, never rode a dirt bike......any suggestions would help!


Great choice. You could also look at the TT-R125/230 and CRF150/230, but if you like the Kawasaki just go with it.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do i need emission test on my car in Ct?

best electric bicycle 2010 on Fastest electric motorcycle tops 200 mph for world record
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william r

i am buying a 1997 car,do i need a emission test to bring to DMV,someone told me since its over 10 years i dont need it.I live in Connecticut

You will have to get this done for your vehicle.

Exempt Vehicles

There are some exemptions to the program, particularly newer models, many older vehicles, motorcycles and other specialized vehicles:

New vehicles that are four or less model years old (as of 1/1/12, model years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013).

A motor vehicle twenty five-years old or older, (C.G.S. 14-164c © âtwenty-five or more years agoâ shall mean the number of years arrived at by subtracting the model year of the motor vehicle seeking the exemption from the current calendar year).

Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds.

Composite Vehicles (Effective July 1, 2007) (vehicle must be registered as a composite vehicle).

Electric-powered vehicles

Bicycles with motors attached


Certain vehicles registered but not designed primarily for highway use

Farm vehicles

Class-1 School Buses

Vehicles with Dealer, Repairer, or Transporter Plates while official tests are obtained




New Jersey: Under New Jersey law a motorized bicycle is "a pedal bicycle having a helper motor characterized in that either the maximum piston displacement is less than 50 cc, the motor is rated at no more than 1.5 brake horsepower, or it is powered by an electric drive motor and the bicycle is capable of a maximum speed of no more than 25 miles per hour on a flat surface."[56] This would include E-bikes, meaning they must be titled and registered. However, only Mopeds approved by Motor Vehicle Services can be titled and registered.

When last checked, no E-bikes satisfied this requirement, so ebikes cannot be registered in New Jersey.[57] However, NJ Bill A2581, introduced March 22, 2010, would permit the use of low-speed electric bicycles upon the roadways and bicycle paths in NJ, where a low-speed electric bicycle is defined as a two-wheeled vehicle with fully operable pedals for human propulsion and an electric motor of less than 100 pounds and 750 watts, whose maximum speed on a paved level surface is less than 20 miles per hour.[58] The bill has been referred to the state's Assembly Transportation, Public Works and Independent Authorities Committee.[59]

Motorized tricycles are not legal on public roadways and sidewalks in New Jersey.[60] Likewise, motorized scooters are only permitted for riders with mobility-related disabilities.[61]

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Information on purchasing an electric bicycle?

best brand of electric bikes on Quads Unlimited. Electric Bikes and Quad Bikes for sale in Warrington ...
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Joyce Z

I'm thinking of getting an electric bicycle (to save on fuel costs)--does anyone have any personal information on electric bikes or recommendations on which brand?
Would also like to hear good/bad experiences any of you have had and especially what to avoid when purchasing one.

Congratulations on considering your ebike purchase. It is one of the best transportation decisions you can make; you will be healthier and have more money in your pocket.

A recent case study:
An 8 mile commute to work, for a employee..desk job,. works out at the gym twice weekly.

has stoplights, hilly terrain. usually picks up odds and ends at store on way home from work.

fairly dry climate, 6 month fairly comfy riding season; mornings 45F or better, afternoons seldom above 90F, usually mid 80's.

married, 1 child, two car family. : Driving in town 9000 miles per year on car #2. Going to cut that in half --down by 4500 miles --- most trips under 10 miles each way.

Car averages about 15 mpg in town so that is an even 300 gallons of gas, figure 3.50/gal... $1050.

not taking the car to work much any more, will save about $100 for six months insurance.

that's $1150. plus an oil change or two,. for $1200.. maybe a little more. Also looses about 5 pounds per month.

what can one getfor that?
You can get a top rated ebike kit a Bionx 350 w 36v NIMH kit for $1200!
A Bionx NIMH 36v 350w Ebike kit, judged one of the Best in the USA, to go on Your bike for $100 labor, or do the work yourself and save the$100.
Dealer in Denver with service, parts, test rides, outstanding support.

Ok another well rated Ebike is the EZEE brand, Try Seattle or Oceanside: Cost a little more, but comes on a bike.

I support both of these and they are great in all respects.

East coast-- another good guy:

What are the horror stories I hear:

People that dont respect that these are Electric ASSIST bicyles and require you to pedal (but not hard), they treat them like mopeds, and they dont last. (however there are many people that understand that these are e-assist bikes and get 8 + years out of them)

People that overestimate their mechanical ability and try to install complicated kits themselve- yet they could not change a tire.

People that get scammed on ebay by trying to get a bargain on something they know little about.

So good luck. If you do your research, honest about your needs, get references about the bike and the dealer before you buy, you will be happy.

there will be an ebike race In Portland OR. at the end of May. Email me for more info.

How Much is a guitar in the Philippines?

Old accoun

Kinds of guitar like bass, Acoustic, and electric ....How much are they and for instance you want one with hello kitty on it how much would it be and how long is it?

Well firstly you can really get rat cheap guitars here in the philippines. If your just using it to play or practice for fun then you can get an acoustic guitar for as cheap as 20$. Electric guitars and bass can be had for about 100$.

Again these guitars are cheap, hence you really cant expect much quality.

For quality brands and good quality guitars. Expect to spend about 100$ for acoustic, 250$ for electric and bass.

As for the hello kitty, i dont think they make those here off the rack. You can however bring it to air brush shops where they air brush pictures, images, letters to almost anything (bike, shirts, guitars, etc). Most malls here have shops like that. Probably cost you about 5$ to10$ for that. WIll probly take you a day for that.

Or you can get a sticker from bookstores or toystores.

Ive lived in the Philippines for 25 years now. Since i was born.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Does anyone know where to get a good looking electric bike for around $400 in or close to philadelphia?

best looking electric bikes on Electric powered bicycles, what is the best electric bike?
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I need an electric bike for parking issues(tickets)..I am able to spend up to 400 but i also want a good looking bike hahaha..anyone know of a place in or close to the philadelphia area?

Good electric bikes start at around $1500 and go up from there. Even decent conversion kits are about $1000. Anything lower than that price point will be a slow, disappointing, heavy pile of junk.

Just sell your car, you aren't responsible with a motor vehicle anyway.

I want to buy an electric bike. Which is the best one around?

vaibhav b

I am a 16 year old student and I am looking to buy an electric bike. I have heard that electric bikes are better than the conventional bikes since they do not cause any pollution. But I am apprehensive about the ride quality. I am also confused about which one should I buy. I am from India and do not much about this field.

A HARLEY DAVIDSON! Or you could choose any type of Shwinn.. Those are good ones.

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best electric motor for a pushbike?

top electric bikes uk on Electric Bikes / Bicycles - Infineum The Extreme Electric Bike
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hello in the uk the top limit for wats is 200 but it doesnt matter if i have a 2000w it just has to cut out at 15 mhp so what is the best motor for a racing bike (carbonfiber rally record ) for uphill racing i have £150 for a motor so no magic pie 3 although i do like the look of hub motors and golden motor the minimum has ti have 500w

The lithium battery powered Flyer-Panasonic ones from Switzerland have a good reputation, but what the hell has this to do with Boats & Boating?

Which pedal assist bicycle can I ride in the UK?


I have looked into the uk regulations in regard to the pedal assist bicycles. They are treated like normal bicycles in the UK and can be ridden on shared pathways (pedestrians/cyclists). They are plenty of these where I live so that isn't a problem. I don't want a bicycle that is expensive as all I want it for is to exercise my dog. I have trouble with my legs, they get tired with manual pedal ling so a pedal assist bicycle would be ideal to help me keep up with my dog.

My dilemma is which companies in the UK conform to the UK regulations in pedal Assist bicycles? If they meet the criteria of the UK regulations they don't need to be registered, road taxed or insured hence the need to pick the correct one. I am 5 ft 5 and am looking for an affordable assisted bicycle that will meet my need. I have no intention of riding it on the road as I wouldn't feel safe.

If anyone cn help me pick the correct bicycle I would appreciate it.

No direct answer here, since the UK often believes it isn't part of Europe, but nevertheless:
- what I can find here (Germany) falls into two classes: Pedelecs with a top speed of 25 kph (and a few limitations), which are legal all across Europe and treated as bicycles, and electric bikes with a top speed of 40 kph (and some other limitations) which are sold only for use within Germany (and need insurance here).
- the basic limitations for the '25 kph' types are that the motor may only support while pedalling and the motor may not support above a speed of 25 kph. There are some types with a 'start assist' function that enables the motor to push without pedalling at speeds up to 6 kph, but while those are legal under German law as bicycles, some insurances don't know yet whether they're going to treat those as regular bicycles (i.e. they're included in any general liability insurance) or not (i.e. you'd need an additional insurance for them if you want it - usually a good idea).
- why don't you go down to your local bike store and ask the people who are selling those things?

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

How to earn carbon trading units/CER from existing or proposed plantation projects.Plz guide me?

the best electric bikes in india on Octane Spear 26T Hero Cycles  Hero Cycles Octane Spear 26T price ...
the best electric bikes in india image


I am also looking to start plantations on large scale in order to gain carbon trading units/CER s.What is the nodal agency in India for this purpose?

This cooling has already killed hundreds of thousands of people. If it continues and no strong action is taken, it will cause world famine, world chaos and world war, and this could all come about before the year 2000. -- Lowell Ponte "The Cooling", 1976

If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder by the year 2000...This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age. -- Kenneth E.F. Watt on air pollution and global cooling, Earth Day (1970)

What we've got to do in energy conservation is try to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, to have approached global warming as if it is real means energy conservation, so we will be doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic policy and environmental policy. -- Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator (D-Colorado)

If radical environmentalists were to invent a disease to bring human populations back to sanity, it would probably be something like AIDS -- Earth First! Newsletter

Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, is not as important as a wild and healthy planets...Some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along. -- David Graber, biologist, National Park Service

The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans. -- Dr. Reed F. Noss, The Wildlands Project

If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels. -- Prince Phillip, World Wildlife Fund

Cannibalism is a "radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation." -- Lyall Watson, The Financial Times, 15 July 1995


SO the ANSWER to YOUR QUESTION IS THEY WANT a CARBON TAX to tax evil OIL Corporations DEM Senator DODD. that means trickle down to you $8.00 a gallon Gas Higher food prices TRUCKS deliver food run on FUEL,higher electric they will build NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS its a low carbon foot print .
90% of France runs on Nuclear .SO the ANSWER to YOUR QUESTION IS THEY WANT a DODD. that means trickle down to you $8.00 a gallon Gas Higher food prices TRUCKS deliver food run on FUEL,higher electric they will build NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS its a low carbon foot print .Carbon Tax will go to build these also if you donate to Blue Sky thru power company the $ goes to build new nuclear plants they say its clean low carbon foot print,Be careful what we wish for

ANSWER: ask teachers What happen to the polar bears during the last 5 ICE AGES?.
Al Gore JET do you agree Al needs to drive a bicycle instead of a Jet his power bill is $3,000 a month for 1 of his houses

Step it UP We want a carbon Tax,Carbon tax on internet, it would increase gas $8.00 a gallon increase food and goods because of shipping cost .and a increase in electric price ,Its a problem lets fix it by Shut off all electric 6 days a week,only turn water on city for 1 hour a day, We have to SAVE the EARTH ,ride bikes outlaw driving except politicians, 1 gallon of gas a day , mandatory jail think live green ! EU Carbon Tax paid by the Workers,Bush Al Gore & Hillary Trust the UN carbon Tax

We are living in strange times. One exceptionally warm winter is enough--irrespective of the fact that in the course of the twentieth century the global temperature increased only by 0.6 percent--for the environmentalists and their followers to suggest radical measures to do something about the weather, and to do it right now.

Rational and freedom-loving people have to respond. The dictates of political correctness are strict and only one permitted truth, not for the first time in human history, is imposed on us. Everything else is denounced.

NewsAccording to the new data published by NASA, 1998 is no longer the hottest year ever. 1934 is.

Four of the top 10 years of US CONUS high temperature deviations are now from the 1930s: 1934, 1931, 1938 and 1939, while only 3 of the top 10 are from the last 10 years (1998, 2006, 1999). Several years (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004) fell well down the leaderboard, behind even 1900. (World rankings of temperature are calculated separately.)

Can we use FI system in place of a carburator ina four stroke petrol engine?

Chinmaya R

I want to know that can any indian bike which are using carburator will be replaced by a fuel injection system?please suggest me.

yes. in theroy. if you can find one that will work/adapt to this. but it will need a programed fuel mapping computer and air intake/fuel monitoring sensors to deal w/ advance fuel curves. the fuel advance curve will be typical to spark and cam curves. along with an electric fuel pump that is rated for the app.

"please suggest me."

best to just rebuild the carb. and if this bike is from India, good luck with that. finding a kit in N. America.

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What are the Michigan laws on licensing and riding ebikes on the streets?

best electric bike for 1000 on Off road top speed reaches 30+ mph and range on a single charge is 25 ...
best electric bike for 1000 image


Im considering buying an electric bike (1000 watts/ 1 hp) and Im wondering what the laws are on riding them in the streets of michigan. Im thinking it would be the same as electric scooter law. But I dont know what they are.

In California a 1000 watt e-bike would have to be licensed and registered. You would also have to have a driver's license to ride it. I have a 600 watt which is considered a bicycle in CA. It does not require registration nor a DL to ride it. Google X treme ebike for info on your state.

Does anyone know where to get a good looking electric bike for around $400 in or close to philadelphia?


I need an electric bike for parking issues(tickets)..I am able to spend up to 400 but i also want a good looking bike hahaha..anyone know of a place in or close to the philadelphia area?

Good electric bikes start at around $1500 and go up from there. Even decent conversion kits are about $1000. Anything lower than that price point will be a slow, disappointing, heavy pile of junk.

Just sell your car, you aren't responsible with a motor vehicle anyway.

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does anyone know the current sales growth figures for ebikes in canada and the u.s.?

best electric bicycle 2011 on Ford reveals electric bicycle, but is it a two-wheeled Model T? | ETA
best electric bicycle 2011 image


i'm planning on opening a small chain of ebike shops and just starting to gather data.

Report: Sales of ebikes will reach 130 million yearly before 2025
London 8/23/2011 10:09 AM GMT (TransWorldNews)
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Norway Orthopedic Devices Investment Opportunities, Analysis and Forecasts to 2017 - new market research report:
The LEV industry is growing fast, with greatest strength in China today, but also clearly emerging fast in the rest of the world. Up until the last couple of years, ebike sales were concentrated in China, Japan, and the EU. In the last few years, nearly every nation has bought ebikes from China, and in some cases, the volumes are now significant. Sales will reach 130 million yearly before 2025, make it one of the world's largest industries. The 206 page report encompassing over 70 brands gives forecasts of sales numbers, unit prices and total market value for 2011-2021. 13 market drivers are balanced against many negative factors that are discussed in the report, which has 69 figures and tables and detail on standards and legislation.

LEVs are one of the largest and fastest growing electric vehicle markets. A Light Electric Vehicle LEV is a land vehicle propelled by an electric motor that uses an energy storage device such as a battery or fuel cell, has two or three wheels, and typically weighs less than 100kg. Most LEVs are and will remain ebikes. These are Power on Demand bikes controlled with a throttle. A significant percentage of ebikes sold are scooters in that they have the driver's feet rest on a platform - they are not straddled by the driver.

Today, the LEV industry is dominated by large bicycle companies, due to their access to distribution. We explain why, in the future, these companies will face major competition from, and may be pushed aside by car, motorcycle, and car parts companies. Supply chains for motors, batteries, chassis parts, and nearly every LEV component exist in Asia, primarily in China, Taiwan, Japan, and newly emerging South Korea. We reveal where the highest profits will be obtained in future and the opportunities in components as these change with lithium-ion batteries of several generations and supercapacitors being increasingly employed, for example. The more demanding future technical requirements of users and standards are investigated.

Adjoining sectors are also discussed such as heavy electric motorcycles and the bigger sector of mobility vehicles for the disabled, where ten year forecasts are presented. New crossover vehicles between LEVs and these sectors are presented.

Click for report details: Light Electric Vehicles 2011-2021

China (PRC)âs falling economy, what would happen next?


Studying the history of Chinese dynasties, according to an academian, there are always 8 step transition as below.
1. Establish a new dynasty
2. Purge followers
3. Conduct wars of aggression
4. Modify Chinese characters and fabricate the history
5. Surroundings and bureaucrats become corrupt
6. Arise many secret societies and farmer riots
7. Military clique intrude to the capital
8. Return to 1

As they have constructed a huge number of ghost towns, local governments and PLAs could not have earned cash flow, however they have to make interest payments, they put varnish on the export amount in order to get fake funds. This is the reason why the export amount to HK and Taiwan shows exponential increase even though the import amount of HK and Taiwan from China are decreasing.
To make out with rollover, inter-bankâs short-term interest rate âovernight rateâ once spiked up to 13.4% temporarily. It was really crazy.

Chinese local government and PLAs have to dress up their balance sheet, hence they produce high yield âwealth management productâ via èè³å¹³å°( finance platform) equivalent term for shadow bank, that could change the fake bond to real money for them, however the people who bought those products would drop their money. No one could forecast the total amount of those uncollectible loans. But it is estimated 1.55 trillion US Dollar minimum to 3.2 trillion US Dollar, those figure exceeds Chinaâs foreign currency holdings. CCP, at last, decided to hide the economic figures such as amount of steel deals, electric consumption amount and so onâ¦
CCP also forced Chinese medium not to report about the fund shortage which cause of rising interest ratesâ¦

Paul Krugman mentioned in a commentary article in the New York Times, âChinaâs low-consumption, high-investment economy is a kind of Ponzi scheme. Chinaâs economy as working like a bicycle, it falls over if it stops moving forward. Right now, Chinaâs Ponzi bicycle is running into a brick wallâ.

Since Chinese Yuan holds dollar peg system, Quantitative Easing of FRB is a must for CCP, because they could print Yuan only keeping pace with FRBâs QE in order to increase money supply to the market, that the reason why CCP begged US like a dog not to stop their QE at Moscow G20 in July. But this might cause a dramatic inflation, people would suffer from it.
On the other hand, if CCP decrease money supply to avoid intensive inflation, a lot of big companies might be bankrupted.
What do you think?
@Mr. Liu -- Thank you for your great answer, especially in the problem of unemployment. Do you have any trusted figures of unemployment rate? I hardly saw it in the news. The jobless is a really serious problem in every countries, particularly in the society with small freedom. I really hate the whole system of PRC, and I hope good change might rise up in near future.

@We left and returned! -- sorry, I have no idea..

@Dog Lover -- I have no interest about your post but feel uneasy if your "magic system" means a war. There are no magic wand in economic science.
@Mr. Liu -- Thank you for your great answer, especially in the problem of unemployment. Do you have any trusted figures of unemployment rate? I hardly saw it in the news. The jobless is a really serious problem in every countries, particularly in the society with small freedom. I really hate the whole system of PRC, and I hope good change might rise up in near future.

@We left and returned! -- sorry, I have no idea..

@Dog Lover -- I have no interest about your post but feel uneasy if your "magic system" means a war. There are no magic wand in economic science.
@eiji -- No, "what happen to china right now" derive from China's internal plobrems, not (or small) from "external factor".
You must reap what you have sown.
But I doubt you actually understand Chinese situation well.

Yes you are right, the inflation rate and the rampant corruption in China creating so many problems in China right now. CCP has been so long launching the unfair trading policy which makes China suffer its own consequence. China has to suffer the consequence of its own mistake for not playing fair trade like the rest of the world does. Overproducing and dumping policy of China contributes to the trading deficit of China. As the result of trading deficit, China cannot sustain its economy anymore and economy of China will be collapse.

You forgot to mention that the CCP keeps over printing the Yuan which contributes to China's economic down fall, here is the prove:

And not even to mention that China lost its jobs to the other countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, etc. due to the inflation and the labor wage increasement. As the result, the unemployment rate in China is staggering and many Chinese lost their jobs. More and more Chinese cannot find jobs because of the inflation rate, especially the poor migrant workers.

Property and housing bubble are also become problem due to the inflation, more and more Chinese cannot buy house and buy properties. As the result, more and more Chinese are homeless because they don't have enough money for buying house. More and more Chinese are getting poorer because they don't have enough money to buy the property.

Then, the gap between rich and poor in China is getting wider. Rich people getting richer, and the rich ones are going to the overseas to escape the madness in China. While the poor ones are still very poor, they suffer too much while they never get any care from the CCP. The poor ones are the ones who affected the most by the madness going own in China, poor people in China are treated unfairly by the CCP. The CCP only favor the rich ones while ignore the poor ones, poor people are often become the victim of CCP.

You can check the real figure of China unemployment rate here:

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I want to convert my bike to an electric bike, anyone have any experience with this?

which electric bikes are best on ... electric bicycles from Electric Bikes Oz, the L8 is a versatile bike
which electric bikes are best image
Q. I want to convert my current bike to an electric bike for less than $200. I'm really not that handy with electronics, but if some instruction to put A into B I can do it, I just wouldn't be able to figure out that A goes into B with out the instructions. Anyways, does anyone have some tips? All the sites that I've found are very unprofessional or non-specific so it's really hard to figure out anything from them. I would be willing to buy a kit.

An electric bike has to have a motor, controller, throttle, and battery pack.
Hub motors are the easiest to install.
You remove your old front wheel, put the new wheel where the old one was, align the wheel in the slots, adjust the brakes, secure the controller and the battery pack on the rear rack, put the throttle on the handle bars, route the wires safely and tie-wrap, connect the connectors together, turn every thing on and test.

To be of much use, you have to have at least 250watts, and hopefully more.

Largo scooters has a decent kit (go Hub)for $600 and is nice. Every once in a while you can find a WE or BD36 for maybe $350.

A Largo kit has keyed connectors so you cannot hook it up wrong.

I want to buy an electric bike. Which is the best one around?

vaibhav b

I am a 16 year old student and I am looking to buy an electric bike. I have heard that electric bikes are better than the conventional bikes since they do not cause any pollution. But I am apprehensive about the ride quality. I am also confused about which one should I buy. I am from India and do not much about this field.

A HARLEY DAVIDSON! Or you could choose any type of Shwinn.. Those are good ones.

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How much is the cheapest electric bike cost in Canada (Vancouver)?

best electric bike canada on Edgerunner, E-cargobike from Xtracycle | ELECTRICBIKE.COM
best electric bike canada image

John F

Should i buy one in Canada or overseas?

Canada. heapest. dollar in a garage sale. But in stores it's aout 5 dollars. ost expensive...100 and more.

What are my best options for alternative energy?


I'm looking to make it though a Canadian winter without paying my electric bill.
I only need to be able to power a laptop, my phone, and a lamp.
I'm looking for options under $200.
I've already thought about making a bike powered generator, and I'm also looking into the cost of a thermoelectric generator that runs off wood, but I'm still not sure what the best option might be...
Does anyone have any cheap but effective suggestions?

Well, under 200 dollars probably won't happen, sorry.

You can get a 600 watt wind turbine for under 500 dollars, but you'll also need some batteries, and the rest of the kit.

And in Canada, I'd worry about heat too.

I suppose if that's not an issue, you could rig up a mechanical generator from scratch, but that will take a fair bit of effort, and you'd probably want batteries to go with it.

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