best electric bikes of 2011 image
i'm planning on opening a small chain of ebike shops and just starting to gather data.
Report: Sales of ebikes will reach 130 million yearly before 2025
London 8/23/2011 10:09 AM GMT (TransWorldNews)
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Norway Orthopedic Devices Investment Opportunities, Analysis and Forecasts to 2017 - new market research report:
The LEV industry is growing fast, with greatest strength in China today, but also clearly emerging fast in the rest of the world. Up until the last couple of years, ebike sales were concentrated in China, Japan, and the EU. In the last few years, nearly every nation has bought ebikes from China, and in some cases, the volumes are now significant. Sales will reach 130 million yearly before 2025, make it one of the world's largest industries. The 206 page report encompassing over 70 brands gives forecasts of sales numbers, unit prices and total market value for 2011-2021. 13 market drivers are balanced against many negative factors that are discussed in the report, which has 69 figures and tables and detail on standards and legislation.
LEVs are one of the largest and fastest growing electric vehicle markets. A Light Electric Vehicle LEV is a land vehicle propelled by an electric motor that uses an energy storage device such as a battery or fuel cell, has two or three wheels, and typically weighs less than 100kg. Most LEVs are and will remain ebikes. These are Power on Demand bikes controlled with a throttle. A significant percentage of ebikes sold are scooters in that they have the driver's feet rest on a platform - they are not straddled by the driver.
Today, the LEV industry is dominated by large bicycle companies, due to their access to distribution. We explain why, in the future, these companies will face major competition from, and may be pushed aside by car, motorcycle, and car parts companies. Supply chains for motors, batteries, chassis parts, and nearly every LEV component exist in Asia, primarily in China, Taiwan, Japan, and newly emerging South Korea. We reveal where the highest profits will be obtained in future and the opportunities in components as these change with lithium-ion batteries of several generations and supercapacitors being increasingly employed, for example. The more demanding future technical requirements of users and standards are investigated.
Adjoining sectors are also discussed such as heavy electric motorcycles and the bigger sector of mobility vehicles for the disabled, where ten year forecasts are presented. New crossover vehicles between LEVs and these sectors are presented.
Click for report details: Light Electric Vehicles 2011-2021
Which yamaha dual sport bike is better?
I was looking the 2011 WR250X, the 2011 WR250R and the 2012 TW200. I prefer the TW2000 cause is cheaper and dont know it looks nice. But i will like to know the pros and cons of each one, nore concentrated in the TW200. Thanks
Rule out the wr250x as its street tires will not be good off road.
The wr250r is a dual sport, powerful for a 250 and tall, so you will want to sit on one and see if it fits. While it won't be too comfortable on a highway it is fast enough for one. It would be a good off road bike based on the power and tires.
The TW200 has been sold for years so its easy to find one used, though I think very early models had kick starting only, so check the one you are looking at has electric start. It will be about half the price of the 250, less if you are buying used. Its 200cc engine is not very powerful, so it will not be fast enough for highway driving (top speed is around 60mph). It will be ok on easy trails, but a bit underpowered on anything with steep hills. If it doesn't matter to you about the higher speed and power of the 250, or the 250 is too tall, then I think the TW200 would be a good in town and trail bike, and fine for country riding, and will get really good gas mileage.
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