best electric bicycle 2012 image
Including 4 wheel drive and not being a truck or anything huge that wastes a ton of gas, or something super expensive- 18k price range.
There are no "safe cars" for any season of the year around the planet. Cars are not safe. They are motion, self propelled devices powered by internal, some say "infernal" combustion engines, albeit many new ones have electric motors, Yeah! Four wheel drive vehicles do not work if there is no friction. In fact, 98% of cars on the road ARE NOT four wheel drive and are driven year round rather successfully. The DRIVER , the knowledge, the training, the ability to think and judge the conditions is what is important and evolves to a safe driver. Plenty of 4X4 crash in winter as this has NOTHING to do with handling, braking or ability of the driver to use good judgment. Years ago when ABS came out insurance companies gave a discount as they though cars with ABS would crash less often. THEY WERE WRONG. When cars came out with Stability Control Programming, no discounts. Do these cars crash less? No they do not. As it happens, most people DO NOT EVEN KNOW HOW THESE WORK and crash anyway. Why? Because people take RISKS. In Kentucky alone in 2012 over 53,000 crashes were attributed to distracted driving which means texting/cell phone. Three days ago in my area an 18 year old female died when while texting lost control of her car and crashed. About the same time a mother of four kids, barely 26 years old, drove in front of a large, YELLOW, school bus as if this BUS did not exit. She dies. Cause? Texting. If you wish to buy a car, buy a car you want. However, get driving lessons. Most people DO NOT KNOW ENOUGH as to cars. Going to a driving school should be MANDATORY. If you wish to see what I mean go to "wreckedexotics.com" to see people with money to buy expensive cars but with no brains to buy driving lessons that have crashed their cars. Some die. The subject of tires, energy, handling, kinetic energy, stopping distances, etc. IS NEVER DISCUSSED. And so, you, in your state of being an average uneducated and untrained driver, have the opinion that there are safe winter cars? And you shall buy one but you shall crash THINKING that you can speed and mishandle the car because you have four wheel drive. Last year or two an author rode a model T Ford for one year. In that year there were over 8 million crashes, 40,000 people died 5,000 of them teens. With millions of injuries over 250,000 ended up with handicap level injuries. This guy? Not even a parking ticket. No heat, no radio, very small almost bicycle size tires. And yet, not a scratch on the car. Why? He knew how to drive and when to drive and where to drive. No chances. My 2001 Audi is front wheel drive. Five speed manual. I drive year round. If there is snow, seldom in my area, over two inches, I wait for the roads to be cleared. The car does not have a scratch on it. Why? I have taken driving lessons, I never speed and I seldom take chances on the road. People have tried to crash into me. They speed, do not stop at stop signs, tailgate, etc. But I know what do to. How about you? Care to evolve into a safe driver? Get lessons. The car is not that important. YOU ARE.
Has the "BP"(ARCO) oil spill made the 2012 destruction of planet Earth a reality?
Is it possible the global corporate community is hiding the devastating truth?
Will the destroyed eco systems cause all of the others to fail?
How many new jobs will be created to get the cleanup done?
Where is the public outrage?
Would a boycott of ARCO gas stations wake up British Petroleum?
Wow! Impressive answers. Seriously, I appreciate all of the answers because they tell me good people are concerned. I award thumbs up to all answers and will choose the best one... Thanks again.
No, the "BP"(ARCO) oil spill has not made the 2012 destruction of planet Earth a reality.
When someone says, âI want to boycott BP,â the person you wind up hurting is the guy who lives in the community, buys the pages in the high school year book, and the cookies from the girl scouts.
What I think they ought to do instead isâ¦start walking.
In other words, boycotting certain gas stations only stands to harm individual gas station owners, not the larger company. Thatâs because individual stations that have the BP logo on them may or may not buy from a BP gas distributor. More importantly, stations that donât have the BP logo are just as likely to buy from a BP distributor. A host of liberal media outlets, from the New York Times to Time magazine, have pointed out the futility of a boycott.
the only way to really ensure environmental safety is to boycott oil entirely.
But it doesn't even end there. So you buy a plug-in electric car. But that energy you're charging it with could come from a power plant burning natural gas. And, oh wait -- according to BP's website: http://www.bp.com/sectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=3050046&contentId=3050873
Today, natural gas makes up more than half of BP's energy production, making us the largest producer and supplier in the U.S. In fact, the metro busses here in DC run on natural gas, so perhaps public transportation is out of the question as well. That leaves your bicycle and feet. An inconvenient truth, indeed.
In the real world, no matter how careful you are, accidents happen. There's always the possibility of human error, and sometimes even machines and computers malfunction. So long as an ecological disaster is possible, no matter how improbable, you have to be comfortable with the fact that it could happen.
That's not to say that BP (and probably others) shouldn't have done a better job in identifying more effective disaster containment. It just means that if we want to live in a world where we consume energy and resources in the way we do, we must accept the possibility that, from time to time, things go very badly. We certainly don't have to like it, but we can't pretend that boycotting one company will change very much. o_O
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