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Q. What is stopping people from just replacing a gas engine with an electric engine. I know a little bit about cars but not enough to know this answer. What makes an engine go from 8000 rpm or so down back to like 1 or 2 thousand rpm when you shift gears. Could you do the same thing with an electric engine?
Where would i be able to look at find motors with the type of power a car would call for?
If you want the equivalent of a golf cart, there are companies that will make the conversion for you. It will cost you thousands of dollars and you won't be able to go from L.A. to Anaheim on a charge.
The biggest barrier is batteries.
Gasoline has an energy density of about 46.19 Newton-Meters per kilogram (energy units per unit of weight).
A lead acid battery (the cheapest kind) comes in at 0.11 NM/Kg. That means it takes more than 400 times as much lead-acid battery to get as much energy as the same weight of gas.
The next generation of battery, the nickel-metal-hydride (NMh) they use in most hybrids, has a better energy density, but it's still only twice as dense as a lead acid, or 200 times more weight for the same energy as gasoline. On an energy per cubic centimeter basis, it's a lot better, but still takes 100 times as much space per unit of energy.
The newest batteries, used in laptops and the all-electric Tesla sports car, are lithium-ion. An experimental Japanese sedan, the Eliica, with eight wheel motors and lithium-ion batteries ran 230 mph a few years ago, but it cost a fortune, and we haven't heard from it since. These batteries have an energy density by weight three times that of an NMh, and 5 times by volume. So gasoline is only18 times as dense by volume. Still, imagine having to find room for 18 gas tanks in your car!
As to gears, you need gears for mechanical advantage (like a lever) to allow the engine to remain in its most efficient operating range at varying speeds.
Most gas engines do their best work between about 2,400 rpms and 5,000 rpms. A high performance engine's range will be higher, but they all need gears, or else they either couldn't get going from rest (geared too high) or would run out of breath before they reached freeway speed (geared too low).
If you ever rode a ten-speed bike, you'll know that you need low gears for going up hills and high gears to keep up with the pedals going down. Same with a car.
the Tesla now has only one gear. That's because an electric motor produces its maximum torque (the force to move the car) at zero rpms (from a dead stop). If you want one, they are taking deposits. They only cost around $100,000.
BTW, if you want to avoid sounding uninformed, technically the electric unit is called a "motor" while the internal combustion one is called an "engine." It's an engineering distinction.
Does the government have alternate sources of energy that they are not disclosing?
The worldâs economy is based on petroleum products. Every known alternate or hybrid source of energy is only a stop-gap for oil, not a replacement. Everything we know only prolongs the supply, or shifts it from the current means. If the government can still make money on oil, are they hiding the solution until we run dry?
Yes and No.
There will always be oil, petrol for the Elite.
While they ruin the planet with lear jets and motor yachts, we will be using electric technology that was used in the first part of the 20th century.
One of the first working automobiles was an electric car.
One of the first Internal Combustion autos, Henry Fords Model T , got 24 MPG, that is better than any hummer.
That was 100 years ago.
Mr Stanleys Steamer used coal, or whatever would burn, horse droppings, cattle pooh, dead limbs of trees to generate Steam Compression. It worked then, it works now.
The current gov makes a TON of revenues from Petrol products. They levy taxes on the purchase of the vehicle, they levy taxes on the use of the vehicle, they levy taxes on the fuel it uses to operate, then they levy taxes on the destruction of the vehicle. It is a win/win for them.
Solar Power, developed by NASA with Tax $, is now a private industry. It is a known fact that if 1/16 of Nevada was used as a solar collection area, it could generate enough electricity to power 1/2 of the nation, 24/7.
Add wind and Tidal collections you would have the country covered in renewable, safe, clean energy.
Look at an interstate highway, if one could have a train transport there personal vehicle, and take buses , 80 people not driving 80 vehicles could travel across the country in three days and there cars would be waiting after they arrived.
The interstate highways and other infrastructure is collapsing around us while we rebuild some other country that we were responsible for partially destroying.
If more cities and towns used buses that ran on hybrid or bio diesel, that would save a mass of oil and environment.
I ride a bike, I take the buses, or I sail.
I choose to.
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