Electric Transportation Solutions
445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601, 866-343-5551,
Dealers/Retailers of Electric Bikes and Scooters
Here's a partial list of retailers/dealers/resellers in the United States by telephone area code. Or use your web browser's Edit:Search function to find a city or state. Many of these retailers also offer repair services - even on brands they don't sell. We also list a few dealers in Canada, Australia, and Europe. For a more extensive list of electric bike businesses in the world, click here (
If you don't find a nearby dealer on this list, check with the manufacturer for the address of a retailer near you. Some manufacturers offer a "dealer locator" online. Also, here are two others sources of retailer listings:
Electric Transportation Solutions
445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601, 866-343-5551,
Dealers/Retailers of Electric Bikes and Scooters
Here's a partial list of retailers/dealers/resellers in the United States by telephone area code. Or use your web browser's Edit:Search function to find a city or state. Many of these retailers also offer repair services - even on brands they don't sell. We also list a few dealers in Canada, Australia, and Europe. For a more extensive list of electric bike businesses in the world, click here (
If you don't find a nearby dealer on this list, check with the manufacturer for the address of a retailer near you. Some manufacturers offer a "dealer locator" online. Also, here are two others sources of retailer listings:
what outdoors things can i do in australia?

i moved to perth from new zealand i am 15 and i was all ways outside climbing something or swimming somewhere how can i get back into nature ?
Find a new hobby ,, goggle " fastest Electric bicycle australia ".
at 15 it would be a good time to start a business and make money .
learn how to build and sell battery operated bike and adult trikes.
sell them to people that want to " save the environment " hahaha
i have a battery powered bike and it is great fun and hauls asssssssssss.
its a great hobby for someone your age because it requires no drivers lic and it is cool !!
also google ( you tube electric bicycles ) and ( electric bicycle forums) .
Just so you know ,, that i am having fun with mine
,, i have a bike that has (2) 1000 watt hub motors . that is one on the front wheel a one on the back wheel.
when i give them both full power to show off ! it freaks people out .
i go from zero to 30 MPH in about 10 seconds. hahaha
but you would not want to start with this type of bike .
In Aus the have laws that limit your power on elec bikes .
but you could make a fast elec bike ,, no prob.
Find a new hobby ,, goggle " fastest Electric bicycle australia ".
at 15 it would be a good time to start a business and make money .
learn how to build and sell battery operated bike and adult trikes.
sell them to people that want to " save the environment " hahaha
i have a battery powered bike and it is great fun and hauls asssssssssss.
its a great hobby for someone your age because it requires no drivers lic and it is cool !!
also google ( you tube electric bicycles ) and ( electric bicycle forums) .
Just so you know ,, that i am having fun with mine
,, i have a bike that has (2) 1000 watt hub motors . that is one on the front wheel a one on the back wheel.
when i give them both full power to show off ! it freaks people out .
i go from zero to 30 MPH in about 10 seconds. hahaha
but you would not want to start with this type of bike .
In Aus the have laws that limit your power on elec bikes .
but you could make a fast elec bike ,, no prob.
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