Electric Transportation Solutions
445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601, 866-343-5551,
Dealers/Retailers of Electric Bikes and Scooters
Here's a partial list of retailers/dealers/resellers in the United States by telephone area code. Or use your web browser's Edit:Search function to find a city or state. Many of these retailers also offer repair services - even on brands they don't sell. We also list a few dealers in Canada, Australia, and Europe. For a more extensive list of electric bike businesses in the world, click here (
If you don't find a nearby dealer on this list, check with the manufacturer for the address of a retailer near you. Some manufacturers offer a "dealer locator" online. Also, here are two others sources of retailer listings:
Electric Transportation Solutions
445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601, 866-343-5551,
Dealers/Retailers of Electric Bikes and Scooters
Here's a partial list of retailers/dealers/resellers in the United States by telephone area code. Or use your web browser's Edit:Search function to find a city or state. Many of these retailers also offer repair services - even on brands they don't sell. We also list a few dealers in Canada, Australia, and Europe. For a more extensive list of electric bike businesses in the world, click here (
If you don't find a nearby dealer on this list, check with the manufacturer for the address of a retailer near you. Some manufacturers offer a "dealer locator" online. Also, here are two others sources of retailer listings:
Electric bike??? does an electric bike or motor cycle require license to drive on?
It depends on two basic things. One, where you live. The rules are different around the world. Two, what size bike or motorcycle it is. A bicycle with an electric motor is still a bicycle in my state. Electric motorcycles are available that go about 80 or 90 miles per hour. Those are classified as, and require the same licensing as gas motorcycles.
It depends on two basic things. One, where you live. The rules are different around the world. Two, what size bike or motorcycle it is. A bicycle with an electric motor is still a bicycle in my state. Electric motorcycles are available that go about 80 or 90 miles per hour. Those are classified as, and require the same licensing as gas motorcycles.
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