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Electric Transportation Solutions
445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601, 866-343-5551,
Dealers/Retailers of Electric Bikes and Scooters
Here's a partial list of retailers/dealers/resellers in the United States by telephone area code. Or use your web browser's Edit:Search function to find a city or state. Many of these retailers also offer repair services - even on brands they don't sell. We also list a few dealers in Canada, Australia, and Europe. For a more extensive list of electric bike businesses in the world, click here (
If you don't find a nearby dealer on this list, check with the manufacturer for the address of a retailer near you. Some manufacturers offer a "dealer locator" online. Also, here are two others sources of retailer listings:
Electric Transportation Solutions
445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102, White Plains, NY 10601, 866-343-5551,
Dealers/Retailers of Electric Bikes and Scooters
Here's a partial list of retailers/dealers/resellers in the United States by telephone area code. Or use your web browser's Edit:Search function to find a city or state. Many of these retailers also offer repair services - even on brands they don't sell. We also list a few dealers in Canada, Australia, and Europe. For a more extensive list of electric bike businesses in the world, click here (
If you don't find a nearby dealer on this list, check with the manufacturer for the address of a retailer near you. Some manufacturers offer a "dealer locator" online. Also, here are two others sources of retailer listings:
Solar Panel wattage for my Electric Bike?
I am looking to purchase an Electric Bike for transport to work. I work on an Organic farm and need to save some energy up those hills.
I need help figuring out what size solar panels would be needed to charge the battery, and whether its plausible.
I'm looking at Ebay in Australia as I am immigrating down there. I prefer to afford the foldable/portable solar panel system: 80 watt, 120 watt, 160 watt, but IF necessary a bit more.
THREE 12v 17ah SLA BATTERIES (Total 36v)
Motor: 250 Watt brush-less DC hub
Batteries: 24V/10Ah pack, valve regulated
can anyone out there help explain to me how to figure this out?
thanks :)
You will want to have some sort of voltage regulation.
If the panel voltage drops off you don't want to discharge the batteries on your bike.
And you would not want to overcharge your batteries.
Harbor Freight has a fold out 18 to 24 vdc solar recharger.(see link)
For a work/home commute you might not want to haul the charger around everyday.
Ask the folks at the farm if you could set up a solar charging station. They might even help.
I'd suggest a bicycle locker that has the panel on top and a couple spaces for bicycles with charging stations inside, out of the elements. Your employers may like the idea.
You will want to have some sort of voltage regulation.
If the panel voltage drops off you don't want to discharge the batteries on your bike.
And you would not want to overcharge your batteries.
Harbor Freight has a fold out 18 to 24 vdc solar recharger.(see link)
For a work/home commute you might not want to haul the charger around everyday.
Ask the folks at the farm if you could set up a solar charging station. They might even help.
I'd suggest a bicycle locker that has the panel on top and a couple spaces for bicycles with charging stations inside, out of the elements. Your employers may like the idea.
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