Candid Chr
Been riding for a long time, seen a lot of changes that 50 years ago would have been deemed close to science fiction but here they are in most mainstream use, like computer activated fuel management and now Polaris has come out with an airless tire that is actually usable without being beat to death by rock-hard rubber.
So, what do you see in the future?
What would you like to see in the future?
I'd love to live and ride long enough to see a solar-powered electric bike that had around 90 BHP and weighed in at a whooping 200 lbs. High-output gel batteries ('solar' rechargeable even by starlight) and fully carbon-fiber, ceramic motor (or whatever may be better material in the future).
The list goes on.
Help me out here, I want to keep dreaming!!!!
And no flying motorcycles, they're like Flying Monkeys, just more sh!t falling out of the sky.
@ fuzzy- Like the HUD bike alert idea or a law that allows riders to mount 'vaporizers' to make cars 'disappear, LOL.
@ curmudgeon- You're full of it, but in a good way! But dreaming with coffee?!? Stand back folks, we'll need a geiger counter. LOL!
@ ninebad- Asked for no Flying Monkeys, the 'air' I get on my dirt-bike is high enough, thank you!
@ Jason- You're too young to have grown up on B
The future of motorcycles depends some on laws, some on technology. Look at current car and truck engines, compare to 2 years back- then figure the current motorcycles on road will get some of same features and the expensive ones already have them- ABS, fuel injection, cats, variable valve timing. At the same time the emerging markets want simplicity and reliability, maintainability- India has some of latest Honda technology in some of their cycles--while at same time the Baja Chetek is a copy of old Vespa and the 1950s Enfield Bullet is still selling. Some details can go to low end market- better battery option, better tires, better lights as price comes down to the old pattern price. Older Honda pushrod engines out of trademark and patent protection-and the Chinese and Indians, Indonesians are using that 'old' technology to make a low buck usable engine for various applications- quality control varies- but even the worst are improving just to sell in varied markets. Laws vary- we've seen the post from UK about the limits on engine and power size the first time riders have to go through, the US has some graduated license laws coming in various states- California with its under 150cc limit for beginners as example. Fuels vary- the diesel cycle will show up some places, the CNG/LP in a few others like India Mumbai now will spread to some other dirty cities over time. Economics factors- the Honda Cubs or derivatives running around many markets- some the 'emerging' markets like Africa, others like the large cities where the small scooter or cycle is step up from pedal bicycles but affordable to some unlike a car that requires a license to purchase,park or a owned/leased parking space like some Japanese cities and Singapore- there the students and workers who don't take a bus or cab will be on the little Cubs- some times with sidecars. The 3 wheel Samlors will be a type to watch- the legal status of 'motorcycle' lets them get away with lack of expensive car required safety features like airbags and safety bumpers- but still haul 1/2 ton of cargo or 2,3,5 people as some of the 3 wheeled Asian taxis do. A solar powered Samlor with a top of solar panels, high capacity batteries-or a low cost lead acid battery pack option for lower income market-, regenerative braking and 50cc engine extra assist drive- but 1/2 the weight of expensive Prius- would be logical in India, Singapore, New York City. your 90 hp electric cycle at 200 pounds might be in distant future- but a 25 hp 'hybred' samlor capable of maintaining a minimum 45 mph might be in next ten years- the start is running around Asia now doing 15 to 25 mph as LP gas 'tuck-Tuck' with a small battery pack for the areas where it has to shut off engine and use electric motor and as a straight electric with quick change battery packs- sort of like English Post office delivery vehicles 10-20 years back in the London and other town areas and the Ford commercial electric lorries. a 700 dollar electric bicycle is available in couple markets- top speed of 15mph, 20 mile range on battery and 40 miles on economy pedal power with electric boost at start, batter recharge at braking- and the front of frame has enough room for a 50cc engine and generator with a extra chain to pedal front sprocket- Harbor Freight has small generator for about $250.00 that looks like it might fit, they have a 79cc/3hp engine for $89.00 and the 6.5hp 212cc engine goes for $99.00 on special sales at times- so next year could maybe have a $1000.00 hybred moped available at Wallmart.. 5 years later a 125cc equivalent, 10 years later a 350/500 cc variation capable of highway travel cross country. OR economy collapses and Harley brings back the WL in partnership with Briggs and Stratton. We can both dream- but I think I need some coffee..
The future of motorcycles depends some on laws, some on technology. Look at current car and truck engines, compare to 2 years back- then figure the current motorcycles on road will get some of same features and the expensive ones already have them- ABS, fuel injection, cats, variable valve timing. At the same time the emerging markets want simplicity and reliability, maintainability- India has some of latest Honda technology in some of their cycles--while at same time the Baja Chetek is a copy of old Vespa and the 1950s Enfield Bullet is still selling. Some details can go to low end market- better battery option, better tires, better lights as price comes down to the old pattern price. Older Honda pushrod engines out of trademark and patent protection-and the Chinese and Indians, Indonesians are using that 'old' technology to make a low buck usable engine for various applications- quality control varies- but even the worst are improving just to sell in varied markets. Laws vary- we've seen the post from UK about the limits on engine and power size the first time riders have to go through, the US has some graduated license laws coming in various states- California with its under 150cc limit for beginners as example. Fuels vary- the diesel cycle will show up some places, the CNG/LP in a few others like India Mumbai now will spread to some other dirty cities over time. Economics factors- the Honda Cubs or derivatives running around many markets- some the 'emerging' markets like Africa, others like the large cities where the small scooter or cycle is step up from pedal bicycles but affordable to some unlike a car that requires a license to purchase,park or a owned/leased parking space like some Japanese cities and Singapore- there the students and workers who don't take a bus or cab will be on the little Cubs- some times with sidecars. The 3 wheel Samlors will be a type to watch- the legal status of 'motorcycle' lets them get away with lack of expensive car required safety features like airbags and safety bumpers- but still haul 1/2 ton of cargo or 2,3,5 people as some of the 3 wheeled Asian taxis do. A solar powered Samlor with a top of solar panels, high capacity batteries-or a low cost lead acid battery pack option for lower income market-, regenerative braking and 50cc engine extra assist drive- but 1/2 the weight of expensive Prius- would be logical in India, Singapore, New York City. your 90 hp electric cycle at 200 pounds might be in distant future- but a 25 hp 'hybred' samlor capable of maintaining a minimum 45 mph might be in next ten years- the start is running around Asia now doing 15 to 25 mph as LP gas 'tuck-Tuck' with a small battery pack for the areas where it has to shut off engine and use electric motor and as a straight electric with quick change battery packs- sort of like English Post office delivery vehicles 10-20 years back in the London and other town areas and the Ford commercial electric lorries. a 700 dollar electric bicycle is available in couple markets- top speed of 15mph, 20 mile range on battery and 40 miles on economy pedal power with electric boost at start, batter recharge at braking- and the front of frame has enough room for a 50cc engine and generator with a extra chain to pedal front sprocket- Harbor Freight has small generator for about $250.00 that looks like it might fit, they have a 79cc/3hp engine for $89.00 and the 6.5hp 212cc engine goes for $99.00 on special sales at times- so next year could maybe have a $1000.00 hybred moped available at Wallmart.. 5 years later a 125cc equivalent, 10 years later a 350/500 cc variation capable of highway travel cross country. OR economy collapses and Harley brings back the WL in partnership with Briggs and Stratton. We can both dream- but I think I need some coffee..
What Are Good Things To Cook in a Camping Stove?
I am going camping/rock climbing this weekend and I have a Jetboil Flash stove, I would like to know some good meals that you guys cook while camping. And some things that are not really expensive or things that I will have to carry a lot to make.
Thank you guys so much!
Anything you can cook at home you can cook in the wilds. Bread, cakes, stews, soups, Indian, Chinese, French, anything ...even casseroles....yup, casseroles in an oven.
The oven is a biscuit tin. Nice over a slow burning heap of cinders but a camping stove will do it. Bit pricey on fuel though.
You can bake potatoes round a heap of cinders too wrapped in foil. And meat and fish. Does great for that. Or dig a pit for them and build the fire over it.
Cover the foil-wrapped goodies with an inch or two of earth first to get an even heat.
Pit oven. Good for rabbits, pheasant, partridge, briskets.
You can serve a three course meal on silver trays if you take some silver trays.
Extreme silver service gourmet dining anyone? We've done the ironing.
On bikes.. . ..
From a rope.. . . . . .
Gourmet meals are easy outdoors.
Camp near a trout stream so you can cool the wine in it. Nice for catching dinner too....coming up.
And you can cook three lots at once if you take a couple of disposable barbeques.
They pack inside the biscuit tin and you don't have to barbeque things on them.
Boil stuff, use a frying pan, or your biscuit tin oven.
Bake bread or a cake in it, roast beef, lamb, fish, rice pudding, soufles (stand it the other way up for that...soufles rise). Fresh apple pie or banana loaf.
Use half what's provided to burn if you want. Empty half of it out and use it later.
Bacon and French omelettes for breakfast with camp bread, and a sweet and sour fish for lunch freshly cooked. Put the roast in the oven so it's cooking while you get up the White Lady or Jacob's Ladder.
Very good for camping is a a stir fry or steam fish or vegetables in it on a trivet. Fierce heat from a camp stove is better for stir fries than an electric cooker at home...get the heat up the side. Get the wok hot all over, not just the base. Tumble stuff around and everywhere it touches the wok cooks it. Light airy fried rice...not stodgy stuff cooked on the wok base instead of flying all over a very hot wok.
And done in half the time.
At home I use a big petrol stove outside for stir fries....proper stuff then. The electric stove is rubbish for it.
Done in seconds..extreme wok from an expert... hot . . . . .
See how quick this egg browns...30 seconds.
Hot wok...light and fluffy then like a French Omelette.
Plenty of space to work in and the shape helps too. . . . .
It's just the same on the top of Ben Macdui cooked on a camp stove turned up to full difference.
Heather baked trout is very nice if you're near a trout stream in the mountains.
Run your fingers along the heather stems to clean the leaves off. Just the tops but you soon get a tray full.
Lay the trout over the bed of freshly picked heather tops on a tray and seal it with foil so you don't lose any juices. They keep the heather soft then.
When cooked remove the trout and keep them warm in the oven while you prepare the sauce.
Add the water from the veg and thicken the juices and softly roasted heather tops the quick way with cornflour or properly as a roux sauce....butter and flour required for that but worth the trouble.
Do the same for loin chops or a small shoulder of lamb or a brisket but large briskets are best done overnight in the pit oven. Whisky (no e) in the heather works wonders.
Just take a few herbs and spices in small pots for the exotic things and for flavouring soups and casseroles.
Done it for years on mountains, in deserts and rain forest.
And on boats.
Catch it cook it and eat it. All in twenty minutes. Fresh fish that.
Example....on the rocks . . . . .
One you might not want to know...Rainforest special breakfast.
You've seen moths round a light bulb. You just need a hotter one.
Put a tarpaulin on the ground when darkness comes.
Light a paraffin pressure lamp and hang it centrally over the tarpaulin.
Go to sleep.
In the morning get the hot oil going.
Fold the tarpaulin so it's got a central channel and pour all the fallen insects that got burnt round the lamp into a wide woven bamboo pan...all 2lbs of them.
4lbs if the night guard remembered to pump the lamp up half way through the night.
That's a bucketful.
Pick through it to get bits of muck and leaves out.
Oil is smoking hot now so pour all the lovely clean insects into it.
Deep fry for one minute or until crisp.
Scoop out, drain, and allow to cool.
While cooling prepare the milk from dry powder.
Distribute the crispy fried insects amongst the breakfast bowls
Pour on milk and add sugar.
Enjoy your delicious bowl of Camp Cornflakes a la Malayasia
Feeling well? O good.
Luncheon in three hours...Snake Cutlets poached in Jungle Juice....hic
How to get a trout without a fishing rod or a net...tickle it.
(Don't get caught doing it)
Lay on the bank and when you see a trout close to the bank where they lay resting and enjoying the scenery and all dozy and dreaming of the big tasty flies coming around when the sun goes down, gently put your hand in the water and under the trout....
...softly softly catchee trouteee
Softly stroke it's belly....hardly touching it....ickle trouty goes all Hmmmm that's nice....ahhh....gone all sleepy...ahh're not there...ssshhh.
Trouty sleepy den? go sleepies....ahhhh
Gotcha!....cruel it is. Not as bad as some animals are....they play all sorts of tricks in nature...some plants do worse than that.
Big rivers you can be less stealthy sometimes...easy on this one....trout's away with the fairies, zonked...but he put it back in the water...public film. Trout tickling isn't legal. . . . .
Or you could live on sandwiches and baked beans..but what a bore...
Bon Appetit
Anything you can cook at home you can cook in the wilds. Bread, cakes, stews, soups, Indian, Chinese, French, anything ...even casseroles....yup, casseroles in an oven.
The oven is a biscuit tin. Nice over a slow burning heap of cinders but a camping stove will do it. Bit pricey on fuel though.
You can bake potatoes round a heap of cinders too wrapped in foil. And meat and fish. Does great for that. Or dig a pit for them and build the fire over it.
Cover the foil-wrapped goodies with an inch or two of earth first to get an even heat.
Pit oven. Good for rabbits, pheasant, partridge, briskets.
You can serve a three course meal on silver trays if you take some silver trays.
Extreme silver service gourmet dining anyone? We've done the ironing.
On bikes.. . ..
From a rope.. . . . . .
Gourmet meals are easy outdoors.
Camp near a trout stream so you can cool the wine in it. Nice for catching dinner too....coming up.
And you can cook three lots at once if you take a couple of disposable barbeques.
They pack inside the biscuit tin and you don't have to barbeque things on them.
Boil stuff, use a frying pan, or your biscuit tin oven.
Bake bread or a cake in it, roast beef, lamb, fish, rice pudding, soufles (stand it the other way up for that...soufles rise). Fresh apple pie or banana loaf.
Use half what's provided to burn if you want. Empty half of it out and use it later.
Bacon and French omelettes for breakfast with camp bread, and a sweet and sour fish for lunch freshly cooked. Put the roast in the oven so it's cooking while you get up the White Lady or Jacob's Ladder.
Very good for camping is a a stir fry or steam fish or vegetables in it on a trivet. Fierce heat from a camp stove is better for stir fries than an electric cooker at home...get the heat up the side. Get the wok hot all over, not just the base. Tumble stuff around and everywhere it touches the wok cooks it. Light airy fried rice...not stodgy stuff cooked on the wok base instead of flying all over a very hot wok.
And done in half the time.
At home I use a big petrol stove outside for stir fries....proper stuff then. The electric stove is rubbish for it.
Done in seconds..extreme wok from an expert... hot . . . . .
See how quick this egg browns...30 seconds.
Hot wok...light and fluffy then like a French Omelette.
Plenty of space to work in and the shape helps too. . . . .
It's just the same on the top of Ben Macdui cooked on a camp stove turned up to full difference.
Heather baked trout is very nice if you're near a trout stream in the mountains.
Run your fingers along the heather stems to clean the leaves off. Just the tops but you soon get a tray full.
Lay the trout over the bed of freshly picked heather tops on a tray and seal it with foil so you don't lose any juices. They keep the heather soft then.
When cooked remove the trout and keep them warm in the oven while you prepare the sauce.
Add the water from the veg and thicken the juices and softly roasted heather tops the quick way with cornflour or properly as a roux sauce....butter and flour required for that but worth the trouble.
Do the same for loin chops or a small shoulder of lamb or a brisket but large briskets are best done overnight in the pit oven. Whisky (no e) in the heather works wonders.
Just take a few herbs and spices in small pots for the exotic things and for flavouring soups and casseroles.
Done it for years on mountains, in deserts and rain forest.
And on boats.
Catch it cook it and eat it. All in twenty minutes. Fresh fish that.
Example....on the rocks . . . . .
One you might not want to know...Rainforest special breakfast.
You've seen moths round a light bulb. You just need a hotter one.
Put a tarpaulin on the ground when darkness comes.
Light a paraffin pressure lamp and hang it centrally over the tarpaulin.
Go to sleep.
In the morning get the hot oil going.
Fold the tarpaulin so it's got a central channel and pour all the fallen insects that got burnt round the lamp into a wide woven bamboo pan...all 2lbs of them.
4lbs if the night guard remembered to pump the lamp up half way through the night.
That's a bucketful.
Pick through it to get bits of muck and leaves out.
Oil is smoking hot now so pour all the lovely clean insects into it.
Deep fry for one minute or until crisp.
Scoop out, drain, and allow to cool.
While cooling prepare the milk from dry powder.
Distribute the crispy fried insects amongst the breakfast bowls
Pour on milk and add sugar.
Enjoy your delicious bowl of Camp Cornflakes a la Malayasia
Feeling well? O good.
Luncheon in three hours...Snake Cutlets poached in Jungle Juice....hic
How to get a trout without a fishing rod or a net...tickle it.
(Don't get caught doing it)
Lay on the bank and when you see a trout close to the bank where they lay resting and enjoying the scenery and all dozy and dreaming of the big tasty flies coming around when the sun goes down, gently put your hand in the water and under the trout....
...softly softly catchee trouteee
Softly stroke it's belly....hardly touching it....ickle trouty goes all Hmmmm that's nice....ahhh....gone all sleepy...ahh're not there...ssshhh.
Trouty sleepy den? go sleepies....ahhhh
Gotcha!....cruel it is. Not as bad as some animals are....they play all sorts of tricks in nature...some plants do worse than that.
Big rivers you can be less stealthy sometimes...easy on this one....trout's away with the fairies, zonked...but he put it back in the water...public film. Trout tickling isn't legal. . . . .
Or you could live on sandwiches and baked beans..but what a bore...
Bon Appetit
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Title Post: Want To Predict Future Motorcycle Inventions?!?
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Author: Unknown
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Rating: 83% based on 9498 ratings. 4 user reviews.
Author: Unknown
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