Monday, January 13, 2014

Can the pedaling energy charge the battery of an electric bike?

best electric bikes on the market on Capella, as Truong Minh Nhat calls his creation, is an electric bike ...
best electric bikes on the market image


Can the mechanical energy of pedaling be stored as electrical energy to be utilized later to run the bicycle automatically? I'm not talking about pure electric bikes that need regular charging, and not even about those that you pedal for a while as the bike stands still and then run it on electric power. I mean can you ride a bike and store the mechanical energy simultaneously? Will it be efficient? If so, then are such e-bikes available in the market, and what are they called so that I may Google for them?

Here's the scenario: I need a bicycle for regular commute, may be even for covering long distances. It's not feasible for a layman to pedal continuously for more than 5 to 10 miles. So I'm looking for a bike that you pedal for sometime, and when you're exhausted, you simply flick a button to make it run on electrical power which has been converted and stored from the mechanical energy of pedaling the bike; and then pedal again and auto-ride again and so forth. Will something like that be technically efficient, since you're moving the bike while pedaling as well as storing your spare energy?

Hope I haven't confused you. Thanks :)

Yes but you will go slower because you are turning the motor so basically there is no piont unless you modify it yourself

where can i get one of the electric bikes from tonights amazing race?

paul b

in tonights episode of the amazing race they were in china and at one point they had to ride these electric bicycles through beijing, i googled it but all i found were inferior looking electric bikes or kits you have to build yourself, can anyone tell me more info about the bikes from tonights episode and a website where i can get one? thanks
i really just want to know about the specific chinese bikes i saw on the show, if anyone saw the show and knows about them let me know

The chinese and US ebike markets are significantly different. Our laws differ, our people are bigger and heavier than the typical Asian person, our roads are hillier

Below are sources for some of the best ebikes in North America.

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Title Post: Can the pedaling energy charge the battery of an electric bike?
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